Fusion, our line of organic de-icing and anti-icing (DLA) liquids, provides a high level of safety on our roads while reducing corrosion compared to other products on the market.
Our products are derived from sugar beets using our patented process of alkaline degradation of sugars to increase the ionic strength of the solution, significantly increasing its melting value. Our Fusion line does not contain any calcium or magnesium. Fusion will reduce labor and materials costs and it is effective down to temperatures of -300C.
Even in the harshest of Canadian winters, using our products will reduce the impact on the environment while maintaining the desired levels of service. Fusion liquid is applied directly on the road (even up to five days) before an ice or snow event. Anti-icing or DLA (direct liquid application) is a pro-active approach that has been used for over 25 years that prevents the formation of ice on the surface. This results in a reduction of accidents and permits us to completely remove snow and ice with each pass of the snow-plow. Liquids stick to the road bed compared to granular salt which ends up being dispersed and harming our environment. Each application of Fusion can also reduce chlorides by up to 85% and fewer applications will be required.
Reduce Labor and Material Costs
American Cities and counties have reported that every ton of liquid de-icer used before the storm can save four tons of product used during and after the storm. Without the chance to bond to concrete and asphalt surfaces, snowfalls are much easier to remove and the roads are safer, even before the plows clear the snow. The use of Fusion Anti-Icing Liquid provides a benefit of a residual effect which cannot be achieved using dry material. Applied ahead of a winter storm, Fusion Anti-Icing Liquid stays effective as an anti-icer for multiple days without the mess of dry material. When the forecasted weather event arrives, Fusion will be right where you need it instead of being swept to the side of the road as is the case of granular ice melters.